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The SOS Report

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As The SOS reaches people, I will report the noteable  encounters that the Holy Spirit provides.
Anticipating many!


Day one  10/13/22

Downtown Lodi!  The Word of God went out (accompanied with stringed instruments:) to the people passing by through the main center of downtown!

Several people stopped to listen for awhile.  A homeless man was particularly moved, and blessed.  I haven't had to many "bear hugs" like the one he gave me.  :)

March 2023

Very few dry days this month. Have only been out 3 times so far this month. Recieved a lot of encouragement from those passing by.

Five little ones ( 3-5 yrs old) broke out into spontaneous dancing, praising the Lord! It was a beautiful sight.

Looking forward to April and a dryer spring.

"Let the Word of God come down as the rain", instead!

June 2023

Praise God, the storms have passed and the weather has been

beautiful all month. 

I've been visiting downtown Lodi, Ca. two to three times a week

all month. Getting a lot of good feedback and finding my groove.

Learning more every outing, through interesting encounters.

Still just getting started, but God is truly leading the way!

July 2023

A little hot.

Still getting good feedback. My favorite moments though are when little ones pass by with their parents, and break out in spontaneous dancing! Once, there were five or six  at the same time!

I have a box set to the side for people who would like to support The SOS. Someone on a bicycle went by and dropped something in, and then kept going with a snarky expression ); Later I saw that it was three six inch rubber fishing worms. The next morning while praying, it occurred to me that the devil was telling me to stop fishing for men and go fish for fish! Well it was also a good reminder that I was fishing, and to be patient while trusting and waiting on God to draw in those souls.!

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