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I'm Will.

I guess I've always been inclined to do music.

In my teenage fantasies, I was going to be the best!

In reality, just obsessed.

In truth...BLESSED!

     41 years ago I heard the Good News.

I believed it, and recieved Christ!

That decision gave music true meaning and purpose.

     I've always been fascinated with buskers. 

     You may ask, "what's that?".

     Street musicians!  Those guys and girls who do music with an open guitar case in front of them to make a few bucks, or sometimes their whole livelihood, sharing music on the street.

     Well...30 years ago, I had a moment. (about 5 seconds, actually).

     A strange scene. (perhaps just a quirky thought?)

     No, it was a vision:

I was downtown. (I assumed Stockton at the time.)

I had a guitar, and I was chasing people down the street, singing The Good News!


I can NEVER forget it.

Looking back, I can clearly see how God has guided me to this moment., The SOS vision and mission is to chase people (spiritually, not literally:) with the Word of God and His Good News to every downtown where He guides, and as He provides, to as far as to where it all began...Jerusalem!


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