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When the evil spirit from God would come upon King Saul, David took his harp, and played.  So Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit would leave him.    1 Samuel 16:23

"The Soothing Of Saul"


"The Songs Of Scripture"

  The Book of Psalms is the largest of the 66 books that are included in the Bible.  More than half of the psalms, or "songs" were composed by David about 3000 years ago.  He became the second king of Israel after Saul was rejected by God for his willful disobedience.  This is David who killed the giant Goliath with just a slingshot, when he was a shepherd boy.

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I will praise You, Lord, among the nations!

I will sing Your praise among the people!

Psalm 57:9

The Psalms are the Words of God

given as songs to be sung

"accompanied by stringed Instruments"


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